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Biblical Investigations

Author: Andrew Perry. Soft cover, 226 pages. This book (Revision 2, Apr 2014, 237 pages; ISBN 978-0-9563841-3-3) is a collection of essays that defend the Bible as the inerrant and inspired Word of God. Some essays have previously been published in magazines, but are now difficult to obtain; other essays are new. The essays included are "Bible Study", "Evaluating the King James Version", "The Unvarnished New Testament", "The Dead Sea Scrolls and Bible Translation", "Inspiration", "Exegetical Considerations relating to Inspiration", "Luke as Scripture", "The Spirit of Elijah", "Old Testament History", "Old Earth Creationism", "Heaven", "Creation Types in Exodus", "Noah's Flood", "The Historical Jesus" and "Finding God".

Biblical Investigations

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