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Hez - Chronicles of a mighty man

Author: Jonathan Cope, soft cover 294 pages. Published 2020 by The Christadelphian


Hezrai the Carmelite was one of David's mighty men. But what was his life, and the life of those other great and courageous warriors who followed David, really like? What did they have to endure as they fled from Saul? What was it like when David became king? And when Absalom seized the throne? And when they returned to Jerusalem?

In all of these matters the author prints a picture of everyday life in Israel, without adding anything that might be detrimental to the Biblical narrative. Written as a novel for teenagers and those who remember being teenagers, this book will be enjoyed by many.

Scriptual references are not mentioned or included in the text but very helpfully they are listed in a 16 page appendix greatly adding to the enjoyment of older readers.


Hez - Chronicles of a mighty man

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