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Micah - Study Guide

Author: Reg Carr, 72 pages, paper back. Published by The Christadelphian (CMPA) in 2010.

Micah prophesied at a critical point in Jewish history - when the northern power of Assyria threatened to remove God's appointed rulers from Jerusalem. He called on the people to review their faith in God.

Micah first delivered those memorable words: " He has shown you, O man what is good; and what does the LORD require of thee but to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God?"

The prophet also showed how God's power would ultimately be revealed in the work of the saviour, God's appointed Shepherd-King, and to God's and to Israel's restoration. 

The study guide series are designed to help those for whom Bible Study is new or difficult. Guides are also available on several other topics e.g. Daniel, Revelation, and Job.

Micah - Study Guide

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