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One God, the Father

Edited by: Thomas E. Gaston. This book (First Edition, Jan 2013, ISBN 978-0-9574460-2-1, 310 pages) is a collection of 16 essays by various authors offering a defence of Biblical Monotheism. It presents a definition of 'monotheism' from the Jewish Scriptures and contrasts this with the trinitarian definition of God. It explores how the Old Testament presents Yahweh as 'one God'. It details how the Synoptics, the writings of John and Paul present the relationship of Israel's God to Jesus. It traces the development of church ideas about God showing how they then deviated from the Bible. It describes how thinkers and communities have preserved the truth of Biblical Monothesism down the ages. It concludes with essays discussing the atonement, and the issue of worship and prayer in relation to Jesus.

One God, the Father

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