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Puzzling Passages

Author: John M. Hellawell, 198 pages paperback. Published by The Christadelphian in 2015.

As with a jigsaw puzzle, a piece may fit but if it does not harmonise with the overall picture then it is evidently the wrong piece. This book attempts to provide explanation for some of the puzzling passages in the Bible within the overall context of Scripture.

Twenty of the passages considered appeared in a series in the Christadelphian from 2005 to 2007 and are largely unchanged. The other fifteen passages have not been published before.

As well as the explanation of 35 passages of scripture the book contains a 5 page Bibliography, a 7 page scripture index and an 11 page topical index.


The 35 passages covered in the book are:

The "translation" of Enoch

The sons of God and the daugthers of men

"I and the lad will .....come again to you".

The sons of Keturah

The deceptive perpetration on Issac

The Ethiopian wife of Moses

Jephthah's vow

"Whose son art thou, thou young man?"

Saul and the witch of Endor

The death of Saul

"And Satan came also among them...."

"Answer not a fool.... Answer a fool according to his folly"

"If therefore thine eye be single..."

"The kingdom of heaven suffereth violence..."

"What is bound on earth will be bound in heaven..."

Moses and Elijah in the Transfiguration

"Elias is come already..."

"If thy brother sin against thee..."

Easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle

The Lord's promise to the malefactor on the cross

"Out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water"

"In my fathers house are many mansions..."

"the net ... full of great fishes, a hundred and fifty-three..."

"Saved; yet so as by fire..."

"Deliver such a one unto Satan..."

Manumission or not?

"Now concerning virgins..."

"A sign of power on her head, because of the angels"

Eating the bread or drinking the cup unworthily

"Wherefore tongues are for a sign..."

"Baptized for the dead..."

"Not withstanding she shall be saved in childbearing..."

The "spirits in prison"

"The angels that kept not their first estate"

The dispute over the body of Moses


Puzzling Passages

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