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The Genesis of Blessings

Author: Andrew E. Walker, 418 pages softcover. Published in 2016 by The Christadelphian (CMPA)
"The author has laid out a lifetime's love of Genesis with a unique perspective on its structure, key themes and connections. He brings us to one of the greatest books of our Old Testament:the book of beginnings. Who can fail to feel a shiver down their spine as all creation is brought to birth? Who does not wonder at the intimacy of the early fellowship in Eden, or watch - all too uncomfortably - as first Adam and then Eve protest their innocence? Who has not felt for their own families when Cain's jealousy of Abel spills over into bloodshed? ... we are reminded again of the most important of historical lessons: that times change, but people don't; that the griefs, follies and faiths of the men and women who went before us are in fact maps of our own lives." Martin Lawrence in his forward to the book.
This book is an excellent example of Bible study by using scripture to interpret scripture and will thrill those who want to plumb the depths of Genesis without recourse to copious non Biblical sources.
The book has two appendicies:
1. A study of the word "blessing"

2. A chronology
Also included is a nine page scripture index

The Genesis of Blessings

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